powdered milk for calves

Powdered milk for calves – start with a proper essential diet for harmonious growth

Powdered milk for calves is essential for the chicken’s healthy and harmonious growth. Proper feeding of these animals allows for rapid development. The calf at birth needs a robust immune system, and this is possible by administering the necessary vitamins, nutrients and supplements. Calves need careful care, especially in the first months of life. After calving, the animal’s vital signs are checked, the airways are cleaned, and the body is massaged to activate circulation. A significant last step is to disinfect the umbilical cord. This process should be performed with iodine every 12 hours until completely dry. Next, we will discuss the methods of feeding the calf.

Calf milk powder – a substitute for natural food

The calf can be fed naturally, mixed or artificially. Powdered milk for calves is a substitute for cow’s milk. Although this method is more economical for raising calves, it is essential that the calf be fed colostrum for healthy development in the first two weeks. Artificial breastfeeding can be done with a can or in a bucket. After each feeding of the calves, the containers from which they drank milk will be washed first with cold water, then with hot water and soda, and finally with hot water. The buckets will be placed face down on a shelf to dry. Pet owners must ensure that they effectively disinfect all containers from which they feed their animals so that there is no risk of infection with various bacteria.

Biotur provides you with high quality powdered milk for calves, with the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the calves’ digestive system. On the Biotur Shop platform, you can find a substitute for cow’s milk, ideal for feeding calves:

Primolac powdered milk for calves> 3 days, 20 kg bag: Primolac is a balanced, high-quality feed for calves. It is made from high-quality milk and whey ingredients that allow you to start feeding your calves PRIMOLAC immediately after colostrum. Efficacy and protection against diarrhoea guarantee healthy growth and excellent food conversion. Thanks to its exceptional quality and unique aroma, PRIMOLAC is readily accepted by calves. Ingredients: milk fat concentrate, whey powder, soy flour. Primolac milk powder contains crude protein, vegetable fats and oils, crude ash, crude fibre, lactose, calcium, protein.

Vitalac powdered milk for calves> 14 days, 20 kg bag: VITALAC is specially designed for pre-feeding and is suitable for all feeding systems. A full range of whey products allows VITALAC to start feeding after two weeks of life, during the transition period (2-3 days). It should be mixed in half with the cow’s milk. Components: whey powder, soy flour, whey concentrate, wheat gluten.

Pollac powdered milk for calvesPollac is a concentrate that will allow you to make a perfectly balanced start, leading to optimal growth potential. It contains high-quality vegetable and milk proteins, with an appropriate proportion of amino acids and lactose. By combining Pollac with the raw materials you have at hand, we ensure that your nutritional requirements are met and form the perfect basis.

Powdered milk for calves – administration

When you have a calf to feed, it is essential to follow a few rules for the animal’s healthy growth and development. The owner should prepare a warm place for the calf after birth, preferably with a thick layer of straw. It can be placed in a dry and heated barn. Powdered milk for calves can be given six days after birth after the chick has consumed colostrum. It is recommended to consume colostrum in the first 30 minutes after birth, providing them with the necessary antibodies. Colostrum has a higher nutritional value than regular milk, being 2-4 times richer in vitamins, protein and fat. Most of the time, farms choose to feed calves with powdered milk, which is a more economical method. If the calves are fed from their mother, you will not keep track of the amount of milk consumed. Here are some tips to keep in mind when you have a calf in your household:

– Calves must be fed at least twice a day, and their place must be adequately cleaned, and the bedding replaced when it is dirty.

– In the first seven days of the calf’s life, administer only colostrum to gain immunity. Immediately after birth, the calf will consume colostrum in the first 30-40 minutes, whose volume should be about 10-15% of its weight.

– Buckets or bottles with which the calves were fed must be adequately cleaned and sanitized after each use.

– The calf is weaned at the age of 50-60 days.

At Biotur Shop, you will find quality milk powder for milk substitutes for farm animals. The products offered are of high quality and have in their composition the vitamins and nutrients necessary for the calves to have a strong immune system.