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Cat-eye infections – Types of diseases. Causes. Symptoms. Treatment

Cat-eye infections are pretty common in these pets. Although cats have impeccable hygiene, they can develop certain eye diseases. In most cases, eye diseases in cats can be observed from the first weeks of life. Although it is a common infection, the owners should not neglect it and should be treated soon. It is recommended to observe in advance the various signs that appear in the eyeball to seek the help of a veterinarian.

Cat-eye infections – types of diseases

Eye disorders in cats are of several types and affect the eyeball and surrounding areas. Here is a list of the different kinds of diseases that can develop in the eyeball in cats:


Conjunctivitis is a cat eye infection and presents as an inflammation of the pink tissue around the cat’s eye. This disease is manifested by swelling and redness of the affected area. The cat may also have excessive eye secretions. The pet may have some sensitivity to the eyes caused by light. Conjunctivitis can be caused by the flu, direct contact with other sick cats, or allergic reactions to environmental or food factors. The veterinarian will determine if he suffers from conjunctivitis, and based on the diagnosis. The cat will receive appropriate treatment.

Corneal ulcer in cats

A corneal ulcer is an eye condition in cats and is caused by eye trauma. If the cat has been attacked by another animal or scratched into a sharp object, that wound in the eye can turn into cancer. Also, chemicals can be harmful to your cat, and if you bathe them, you must be careful that the shampoo does not get into their eyes. Your veterinarian will determine if the cat’s eye ulcer is advanced. Thus, he will prescribe certain antibiotics or antibacterial drops, which you can administer to your pet. If the ulcer is developed, the cat will be operated on. After the ulcer has completely healed, corticosteroids will be given to reduce the size of the dilated blood vessels.

Eye injury in cats

The eye injury in cats is caused by a perforating trauma that destroys the iris. This eye condition in cats can lead to glaucoma or cataracts, and surgery is needed to reduce the risk of the lens being damaged. In more severe cases, the cat may lose its sight. The veterinarian will call for evisceration to ward off the cat’s eye pain.

Puppies with pus in their eyes

You have undoubtedly noticed some colorless leaks in your cat in the corner of your eye. This should not worry you, as it is normal for kittens. But this eye condition can become alarming when leaks are more frequent, abundant, and are yellow or greenish. It is recommended to wipe the cat’s eyes with a piece of cotton wool or a very soft cloth. If you notice pus leaks in your cat, it is recommended that you make an appointment with your veterinarian. He will prescribe you some special cleaning solutions.

Cat eye infections – Symptoms

Call your family veterinarian right away if your cat exhibits any of the following symptoms:
• A component of the diseased eye is hidden by an irritated third eyelid.
• Other indicators of respiratory discomfort include sneezing, nasal discharge, and coughing.
• Eyes that are bright red
• Winking excessively
• Eyes rubbing
• Eye discharge that is clear, green, or yellow.

Cat-eye infections – Causes

The causes that lead to eye diseases in cats are various, and we must pay attention to the pet when we notice that it scratches excessively with the paw on the eye or blinks often. If you notice that your cat has red and irritated eyes, consult your veterinarian to determine the cause of this condition. When looking for the source of your cat’s eye infection, there are a few locations to examine. Diseases of the eyes are exceptionally infectious. Cats who are exposed to other affected cats are in danger of catching the virus.

If maintained in close quarters with an ill cat, young cats’ immune systems are weakened and they may get an infection. Conjunctivitis, or pink eye, is a condition caused by the feline herpesvirus (FHV). A disease might also be caused by autoimmune illness, malignancy, ocular damage, or feline leukemia.

Cat-eye infections – Treatments

Because there are so many illnesses that can cause ocular discharge in cats, you should consult your veterinarian before trying any eye discharge therapies.
Treatment for cat eye discharge may include: Feline upper respiratory infection, depending on what your veterinarian discovers. Eye medicines, antibiotics, decongestants, and fluids may be used depending on the origin of the illness and the severity of the infection.
Conjunctivitis is a condition that affects the eyes. Conjunctivitis can be caused by pollen, dust, weeds, or other irritants, and it can be treated with a steroid ointment. Antibiotic ointments may be used if bacteria cause the infection.
Corneal abrasions – Keeping your cat’s eyes clean, antibiotic eye ointment or drops, healing drops, removing loose corneal tissue, cauterization, or surgery are all options depending on what’s bothering your cat’s cornea.
Eyes that are watering and tearing. Your veterinarian may flush your cat’s clogged tear duct with simple water or saline while they are under general anesthesia. Antibiotic eye ointment or drops may be required if there is an infection.
Uveitis is a condition that affects the eyes. The best therapy for your cat’s uveitis relies on what’s causing it, which might be difficult to determine. To reduce inflammation and discomfort, ocular drops or ointment may be used.
Calicivirus in cats – Calicivirus can cause secondary bacterial infections, leading to pneumonia and other serious problems, so always contact your veterinarian if you feel your cat is infected. Symptom management, medications for subsequent conditions, and supportive care are all possible treatments.
Eyes that are dry – Dry eye can be caused by various factors, ranging from immune-mediated illness to distemper. Eye drops or ointments, immune-suppressing medications, antibiotics, or artificial tears are all options for treatment.

On the Biotur Shop platform, you will be able to find medicines for your cat. You can apply certain eye drops to relieve excessive cat-eye secretions. You can also take certain supplements on the recommendation of your veterinarian to remove the parasites responsible for this condition from the animal’s body.

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