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Why we say no to firecrackers for the sake of animals

Firecrackers are a staple of celebrations and festivities, adding a burst of color and excitement to special occasions. Especially during New Year’s Eve, firecrackers have unfortunately become a “must”. We say “unfortunately” because firecrackers pose a massive threat to animals.

While firecrackers may seem harmless fun to humans, they can have devastating consequences for our animal companions. From causing physical injuries to triggering severe anxiety and stress reactions, firecrackers pose a serious threat to the well-being of our furry friends.

Consequences of the firecrackers to animals

The Physical Toll

The loud bangs and sudden flashes of light from firecrackers can be very frightening for animals, especially those with sensitive hearing or a tendency to be anxious or reactive. This fear can lead them to exhibit a range of behavioral changes, including hiding, trembling, excessive panting, and even self-harming behaviors like chewing or scratching.

In some cases, the sudden noise and movement of firecrackers can also cause physical injuries. Animals may run unthinkingly into objects or each other or be struck by flying debris. Additionally, firecrackers can directly injure animals if they are thrown or land near them.

The Emotional Impact

And yes, animals are sensitive and have emotions. The psychological effects of firecrackers on animals can be even more profound than the physical ones. The fear and anxiety they cause can lead to long-lasting trauma, making animals more fearful and reactive in the long run. This can make it difficult for them to enjoy their everyday activities and can even lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

How to protect our animal companions

As animal lovers, it’s our responsibility to protect our furry friends from the harm caused by firecrackers. Here are some things we can do:

  • Be aware of the timing of firecracker use in your area. Plan your walks or outings with your pets accordingly to avoid areas where firecrackers are likely to be used.
  • Keep your pets indoors when firecrackers are being used, such as New Year’s Eve time. If you must bring them outdoors, keep them on a leash and close to you.
  • Provide your pets with a safe and quiet place to escape the noise. A crate or a quiet room with comfortable bedding can provide security.
  • Consider using calming pheromone diffusers or collars. These products release pheromones that can help to reduce anxiety and stress.
  • Talk to your veterinarian about anti-anxiety medications. In severe cases, your vet may prescribe medication to help your pet manage their fear.

We understand some people’s need to have a joyful time, especially around these holidays. Yet, we must consider the people and the animals around us, which the whole society must do.

Together, we can create a world where our animal companions can live without the fear and stress caused by firecrackers. Let’s consciously protect them and celebrate our festivities in a way that doesn’t harm our furry friends.