Rase de câini pe care le puteți crește în apartament

Dog breeds that you can raise in the apartment

Are you considering getting a dog but worried that your apartment isn’t the right environment for them? Fear not! Many dog breeds can thrive in an apartment and bring immeasurable joy to your life. This article will explore some of the best dog breeds for apartment living so you can find the perfect companion for your urban lifestyle.

What are some dog breeds that are suitable for apartment living?

If you’re considering getting a dog for the first time but live in an apartment, you may wonder which breeds are best for apartment living. Fortunately, several dog breeds are not only suitable for apartment living but can also thrive in this type of environment. Here are some dog breeds that are perfect for apartment living:

French bulldogs

Excellent apartment dogs, French Bulldogs are known for their affectionate and easy-going nature. They are small and have a moderate exercise requirement, making them more adaptable to apartment living.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Because of their friendly and adaptable nature, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels make great companions for apartment dwellers. They are small, have a calm demeanor and are generally well-behaved indoors.

Boston terrier

The Boston Terrier is compact and easy to manage, making it ideal for apartment living. They are friendly and intelligent and have a moderate exercise requirement, which regular walks can quickly fulfill.


Despite their fluffy appearance, Pomeranians are small dogs that can adapt well to apartment living. They are alert and active, but their exercise needs can be met with daily walks and indoor playtime.

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus are known for their friendly and affectionate natures, making them great apartment companions. They are small, have a low exercise requirement and are easily adapted to indoor life.


Chihuahuas may be small, but they have big personalities that make them perfect for apartment living. They are loyal, alert, and require minimal exercise, making them ideal for those living in smaller spaces.

Bichon Frize

Bichon Frises are cheerful and charming dogs that thrive in apartments. They are small, hypoallergenic and have a moderate energy level, which makes them well-suited for indoor living.

The Maltese

Maltese dogs are known for their gentle and affectionate natures, making them excellent companions for apartment dwellers. They are small, low-loss and require only moderate exercise, making them suitable for apartment living.

Yorkshire terrier

Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies, are small dogs with big personalities. They are energetic, intelligent and adapt well to apartment living. Due to their moderate exercise needs, they can easily exercise indoors or with daily walks.

Shiba Inu

Although the Shiba Inu is slightly larger than the other breeds on this list, they can still thrive in an apartment with the right amount of exercise and mental stimulation. They are independent, clean and have a moderate energy level, making them suitable for apartment living.

Are there any special considerations when choosing a dog for apartment living?

Choosing a dog for apartment living requires special considerations to ensure that both dog and owner can thrive in this environment. While some breeds are better suited to apartment living, any dog can adapt to apartment living with the proper care and attention. Here are some essential factors to consider when choosing a dog for apartment living.


One of the first considerations when choosing a dog for an apartment is their size. Larger breeds may struggle with limited space and feel cramped and restless. Smaller or medium breeds are often better suited to apartment living as they require less space and can more easily adapt to a smaller living area. However, it is essential to note that not all small breeds are suitable for apartments, as some may have high energy levels or barking tendencies.

Energy Level

A dog’s energy level is another crucial factor. While energetic dogs can still live in apartments, they need more exercise and mental stimulation to prevent boredom and destructive behavior. Breeds with lower energy levels, such as bulldogs or greyhounds, are generally better suited to apartment living. However, it is important to remember that all dogs, regardless of their energy level, should receive regular exercise and mental stimulation for their overall well-being.


A dog’s temperament is essential for apartment living as they will often be around neighbors and other animals. Calm, friendly and adaptable dogs are better suited to apartment living. Breeds with a tendency towards aggression or excessive barking may not be suitable for apartment living, as they may disturb the neighbors and cause arguments in the building. It is essential to research the temperament of different breeds so you choose one known for being calm and friendly.

Noise level

Another consideration for apartment living is the noise level of the dog breed. Some breeds are more prone to excessive barking, which can disrupt an apartment building. Breeds known for being quiet and not overly vocal, such as Basenjis or Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, are often better suited to apartment living.

Care Needs

Care needs should also be considered when choosing a dog for an apartment. Breeds with excessive shedding or long hair may require more maintenance and regular grooming, which can be challenging in a small living space. Low-shedding or shorter-haired breeds such as the Bichon Frize or Boston Terrier are often easier to manage in an apartment.

Training and Socialization

Training and socialization are essential for any dog but become essential in an apartment. A well-trained and socialized dog is likelier to behave well and adapt to the environment. Consider breeds known as intelligent and trainable, such as the Labrador Retriever or Border Collie.

Ultimately, the best breed for apartment living will depend on your lifestyle, preferences, and your dog’s specific needs. However, when choosing an apartment dog, consider our advice. It can be helpful when needed.